September 26, 2010

the elixir of life

this my friends, will change your life. a nescafé frappé: foam-covered iced coffee drink made with instant coffee and milk. i know, i know, it doesn't sound like much, but when you're out in the 40 degree heat, these drinks will literally save your life. oh, and if you're up for it, you can substitute the milk with baileys, something i have yet to try!
monemvasia, greece: relaxing at a kafeneio enjoying a frappé glyko me gala
(glee-KOH meh-GAH-lah)
i usually prefer my frappé glyko me gala (sweet with milk) but after drinking that everyday - sometimes even twice a day - for a month, it can make you sick. so, now i prefer them metrio me gala (medium sweet with milk). here's how you do it!
items needed to create this masterpiece
you will need:
a shaker (i used a nescafé one, but you can use a water bottle)
instant coffee (again, i used a nescafé one for frappés, but any kind will do)
ice cubes
a glass
a straw (very important!)
step 1: 
add 1 or 2 teaspoons of instant coffee into your mixer, and then add half that amount of sugar (less or more, depending on how sweet you like it).
it should look something like this
step 2:
add just enough cold water to cover the mixture, and shake the hell out of it. once you feel the mix becoming foam, you know you're good.
step 3:
pour mix into a glass. at this point, i add the milk into the empty mixer and shake it a bit to get any extra coffee left. pour the milk into the glass. if you want, you can just add the milk in step 2. if you don't want to add milk, just skip this step.
step 4:
add in ice cubes and put the straw in the glass. enjoy!
ena frappé glyko me gala


  1. omg, replacing the milk with baileys? that would be uh-may-zing!!!

  2. God I miss those hot hot days and the amazing sights. Not to mention the great company you three were.
